This is mainly a Video Tutorial Blog about Linux. I am here to share my learnings and experiences. May I invite you to join me in this Quest.
It all started with Linux Mint 11 and my move from the dark-side to freedom. Also a move to share experiences, knowledge and community spirit.
I started to share my new found knowledge and experience in various different forums - Linux Mint Community, TomatoUSB and places I chance upon when googling.
As my journey and voyages become more disperse and frequent, I decided its time for a place and certain ways to tie things together.
Thus, the birth of my blog "Guruwannabe" - my user-name at Linux Mint Community, the first place that I became serious about my cyber-presence.
Bob Wong (黄昌文)
apply conditional formatting to Highlight Win Rate below 40 as Red,
40 to 70 as Average and above 70 as Healthy do:
1. Click [Customized]
Win Rate before Conditional Highlighting
2. Click [Show] and Select [Conditional Highlighting...]
3. Select
“Win Rate” and key in 40 and 70 as
the breakpoints, Click [OK]
[Run Report]
Salesforce ADM201 Lab 07-07:
Report Summary Formula
NOTE: Highest Video Resolution is 720p
Step by Step Instructions
1. Open the “Opportunities by Rep” report created in Lab 7-2 (Report builder design view)
2. To Add a new formula column in the last column of the report:
Double click on the “Add Formula” field in the Field Panal.
(This opens up the “Custom Summary Formula” Dialog box)
3. To Enter the formula to calculate the Win Rate: WON:SUM / CLOSED:SUM
Use the [Summary Fields] and [Operators] buttons to construct the formula
4. Run the report to see the result.
i) You may need to filter the “Status” to see only “Closed” opportunities
ii) Sorting by “Status” column should make the report easier to understand
iii) Verify the result by comparing with your manual calculation
5. Click [Save As] to save the report as “Opportunity by Rep with Win Rate”.
Overview: The Heartbleed Bug is a serious
vulnerability that allows outside attackers to steal sensitive
information on an otherwise believed to be secured connections for
example: https (ie: http over ssl/tls), secure email and VPN. All done
without leaving a trace.
For more details: http://heartbleed.com/
Visit me at: http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/1628
Heart Bleed Bug
What ain't Broken?
What is Broken?
What is
What was NotBroken by Heart Bleed?
Major Components
Heart Beat
OpenSSL before 1.0.1
Non OpenSSH/OpenSSL implementations
What is Broken?
OpenSSH/OpenSSL Heart Beat implementation
1.0.1 Branch
1.0.2-beta Testing Branch
Yep, it's an Implementation
What is fixed?
OpenSSL v1.0.1g
OpenSSL v1.0.2-beta2
Distropatch by each distro
Built on/after 7apr2014
These not necessary be 1.0.1g
How to check?
openssl version -a
Look for build date
Some more Checking?
Launch Package Manager
Eg: Mint Synatic Package Manger
Search/Filter for “ssl” installed
Eg: libssl1.0.0, openssl
Select libssl1.0.0 and [Get Changelog]
Look for CVE-2014-0160 fix
CLI - Mint13
apt-get changelog openssl
apt-get changelog libssl1.0.0
What to look for :?
CVE-2014-0160 fix
1.01-4ubuntu5.12 for Mint13
Anything Else?
Yes, Google for the rest :)
This is meant As a Simple Guide
After Patch, Look for??
Generate New Certificates
Revoke Old Certificates
Get all End users to Change
Other Details
Check with your Service Provider
eg: Online Mail, Ruby Rail etc...
Session 001: Login, Shutdown and Command Terminal (CLI)
LinuxMint 11 64bit 2.6.38-8-generic
Hi Guys,
Introducing Linux Mint Simply Beautiful!
Well, I have decided to start a new series in Bite-Size Linux, Day-by-Day to capture the beauty of using Linux Mint, its simple and elegant experience.
All these while we are still Celebrating our Chinese Lunar New Year in Singapore.
It has been a rewarding experience learning more about Video Editing in Linux. Jumping from a variety of tools to get things done up: RecordMyDesktop, XVidCap, PiTiVi, Kdenlive, and how Xdamage affect Video Editing.
And most importantly, it's been a joy to be able to present you the finish product.
May your quest in Linux made more enjoyable and interesting!
Yours sincerely,
Blessed Beloved Bob (Guruwannabe)
LinuxMint 11 64bit 2.6.38-8-generic
Hydrogen Drum Machine Introduction
When I started this video tutorial, I thought I was giving you a short work-around for Hydrogen Drum Machine if you also experience a similar weird encounter with MIDI and Sound in Linux.
As far as Desktop Audio and Video experience in LinuxMint11 is concerned, everything works excellent.
Movies, DVDs, Youtube, Grooveshark, MP3s all works seamlessly out-of-the box.
Beyond that... a complex Sound System Architecture awaits.
Problem / Challenge
The Problem or Challenge we are facing in this simple tutorial is Weird sound, strange sound or no sound coming from Hydrogen Drum Machine. Hey guys, Hydrogen is an excellent piece of software. To my blessings, I have personally tasted it when reviewing various different Linux Distro Live CDs. So, I know it works beautifully eventhough I do not have much musical experience.
Until I started my video screen-capturing did I discover that it's weirder than I realised.